Environmental Sustainability 环境的可持续性

Since the main income of the Pielachtal region is coming from agricultural as well as from tourism, it is obvious that enviromental sustainability is a huge topic for everybody in the Pielachtal region. The fact that the air and water quality in the region are outstanding showcases that this work is showing strong results. Beside the fact what the region itself is doing it is of course nearly unbeatable that the way from the valley to the production site is very short and we can guarantee the lowest possible CO2 foodprint by our trucks. This helps us as well that we as a factory are CO2 neutral.


The cooperation of a complete valley, in the topograhic form of a hollow, shows the great effort of both parties (valley and dairy)to optimize the carbon footprint balance to the lowest possible.

On top, long term contracts with nöm , farmers and the milk collection company (they have obligation to use always newest technology in their trucks, currently EURO engines) guarantees that situation for a long term dimension.


最重要的是, NÖM、农场主们和牛奶收集公司(他们有义务在他们的卡车中使用最新的技术,目前是符合EURO欧洲汽车尾气排放标准的发动机)三方签署的长期合同,确保长期可持续发展。

An impressive fact on top is that every single farm has a separate closed micro circular recycling process.
Austria and the Pielachtal valey have the highest recycling rates in Europe.
For glass and paper it is above 80 % and with PET and metal it is ranging amoung the sixties percentage , which are as well the highest in Europe.
